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EDFA, CATV insertion

In the case of FTTH networks, it is possible to insert and transmit a 1550nm wavelength CATV signal at the headend, along with data signals of 1490nm and 1310nm wavelengths. Our company offers a complete solution for the 1550nm CATV overlay. Our products include 1550nm optical transmitters and high power optical amplifiers.

TranScend direct modulated 1550nm optical transmitter


Product Features:

  • High performace and cost effective direct modulated DFB transmitter

  • Distances up to 25 km with analog loading and 50 km with all QAM loading

  • +9 dBm optical output power

  • Advanced pre-distortion and dispersion compensation technology with front panel link distance adjustment

  • High density, 1RU platform

  • Hardened -20°C to +75°C version available

  • AC or DC power supplies

  • 4 module slots

  • SNMP and CLI based network management 

TranScend chassis datasheet  

TranScend 1550nm TX datasheet

Chromadigm - Full band, multi-wavelength optical transmitter

Chromadigm's 1550nm multi-wavelength optical transmitter, featuring InnoTrans's unique patented techniques, delivers the same quality parameters as external modulated optical transmitters at a much more affordable price. It incorporates the advanced features available in ATX’s revolutionary full band multi-wavelength transmitter (CHS series) such as chirp cancelling and clipping mitigation for superior performance. Up to 40 different wavelength full-band forward signals can be transmitted on an optical fiber.


EXPON EX5000H 1550nm high power optical amplifier

Product Features:

  • 8-128 outputs product versions

  • 17-23dBm output optical power per output

  • Integrated 1310nm and 1490nm PON insertion filters

  • SNMP and HTTP management 

  • Touch screen color display

  • Low noise parameters

EX5000H datasheet

Product Features:

  • The 1RU chassis contains the maximal 4 optical transmitters and the integrated EDFA unit and the optical passives

  • Optional 2RU modular Chromaflex product version (8 module slots, optical TX, EDFA, quad return receiver, frequency "stacker" and "de-stacker", RF and optical switch, and forward receiver)

  • Maximal 4 different wavelengths at one unit

  • Maximal +18dBm output optical power

  • Any combination of analog and digital channels

  • Superior CNR, CSO and CTB

  • Error-free QAM transport with very high OMI

  • Distance independent transmission parameters

  • Optional integrated Express port  for other wavelength insertion

  • 4-40 wavelengths transmission over one optical fiber

Chromadigm datasheet

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