Yokogawa AQ1000 - Entry-level OTDR

The AQ1000 entry level OTDR supports only the 1310/1550nm optical wavelengths and SM fibers and it is available with 32/30dB dynamic range. Its low cost, small size and ease of use make it ideal for testing shorter backbones and subscriber networks without optical splitters.
Product Features:
1310/1550nm operational wavelengths
32/35dB dynamic range
Developed for measuring Access networks
One-button measurement
Touchscreen or hard-key button control
More than 10 hours accumulator time (according to Telcordia GR-196-CORE Issue 2, 2010)
Quick boot-up: under 10 seconds
File transmission and remote control through WiFi interface (optional)
Built-in post-processing software for generating OTDR reports in PDF format.
Small and lightweight (185mmx116mmx56mm size, 660g)
OTDR measurement graph, event list and event map views
5” WVGA display
USB port is used for charging the battery of AQ1000.
Power Checker and optical light source (1310/1550nm, -3dBm, CW/CHOP) base functions
Optional functions: Visible light source and WiFi LAN adapter

The AQ1210 OTDR family includes 6 different models for testing SM optical fibers. It is specifically designed for PON FTTH networks. The largest dynamic range model, capable of measuring up to 128 optical splitters. Compact, extremely reliable, excellent value for money, capable of measuring live PON networks, and includes automatic Smart Mapper function.
Product Features:
Six different product versions for building and operating PON access networks
Measurement of PON systems with up to 128 splits (with the highest dynamic range model)
1625 or 1650nm operational wavelength for measuring live PON networks
Smart mapper automatic measuring function - the instrument compiles the measurement results from multiple pulse width measurements and draws an icon based system layout. Especially useful for colleagues without deep professional knowledge.
Running multiple measurement functions at the same time: stabilized light source, power meter, power checker, visible light source, and fiber surface test function (these functions are optional - except the light source)
Multi-Fiber Project: It is possible to efficiently measure the fibers of an optical cables. Stores a variety of measurement results in one database (OTDR graph, power level, and fiber surface image)
High-speed (standard mode) and high-reflection OTDR measurement modes
Dual-operation mode: Touchscreen and hard-key buttons
10 hour battery life / 5 hour continuous measurement
Quick boot-up :Under 10 seconds!
File transmission and remote control through WiFi interface
Built-in post-processing software for generating OTDR reports in PDF format.
Small and light-weight (A5 size, 1kg)
Extremely fast real-time measurement (5 measurements / sec.)
5.7 ”VGA display
YOKOGAWA AQ7280 modular OTDR platform

The AQ7280 modular OTDR platform could be equipped with various OTDR, optical light source and power meter modules. Available OTDR modules include 12 different MM and SM modules, from low dynamic range to ultra high dynamic range, with 2-4 wavelengths.
Product Features:
Modular OTDR Platform: OTDR, VLS and Optical Power Meter Modules
Measurement of PON systems with up to 128 splits (with the highest dynamic range model)
Wide range of OTDR modules: MM, conventional 1310 / 1550nm SM modules with smaller and ultra high dynamic range, and modules optimized for measuring multiple wavelength PON networks
8.4 ”VGA display
Dual-operation mode: Touchscreen and hard-key buttons
15 hours battery operation / 10 hours continuous measurement
Quick boot-up :Under 10 seconds!
1625 or 1650nm wavelength for measuring live PON networks
Smart mapper automatic measuring function - the instrument compiles the measurement results from multiple pulse width measurements and draws an icon based system layout. Especially useful for colleagues without deep professional knowledge.
Running multiple measurement functions at the same time: stabilized light source, power meter, power checker, visible light source, and fiber surface test function (these functions are optional - except the light source)
Multi-Fiber Project: It is possible to efficiently measure the fibers of an optical cables. Stores a variety of measurement results in one database (OTDR graph, power level, and fiber surface image)
File transmission and remote control through WiFi interface
Built-in post-processing software for generating OTDR reports in PDF format.
PMacro Bending Detection Function: Determines the exact location of macro bends by measuring across multiple wavelengths based on loss differences
Accurate fault location
Extremely fast real-time measurement (5 measurements / sec.)
YOKOGAWA AQ7280 modular OTDR platform

The AQ1000 entry level OTDR supports only the 1310/1550nm optical wavelengths and SM fibers and it is available with 32/30dB dynamic range. Its low cost, small size and ease of use make it ideal for testing shorter backbones and subscriber networks without optical splitters.
Product Features:
1310/1550nm operational wavelengths
32/35dB dynamic range
Developed for measuring Access networks
One-button measurement
Touchscreen or hard-key button control
More than 10 hours accumulator time (according to Telcordia GR-196-CORE Issue 2, 2010)
Quick boot-up: under 10 seconds
File transmission and remote control through WiFi interface (optional)
Built-in post-processing software for generating OTDR reports in PDF format.
Small and lightweight (185mmx116mmx56mm size, 660g)
OTDR measurement graph, event list and event map views
5” WVGA display
USB port is used for charging the battery of AQ1000.
Power Checker and optical light source (1310/1550nm, -3dBm, CW/CHOP) base functions
Optional functions: Visible light source and WiFi LAN adapter
MTP-50 kompakt belépő szintű OTDR

Kis méretű, könnyű, egyszerűen kezelhető és költséghatékony OTDR
5 inch (12.7 cm) átmérőjű érintő képernyő
Hatékony hibabehatárolás és hibaelhárítás a gyors indulásnak köszönhetően
Dinamika tartomány: SM: 1310/1550nm 24/22dB
1.5m esemény és 8m csillapítás holt zónák
Automata/Szakértői, illetve valós idejű és átlagoló OTDR módok
Link Image automata mérési üzemmód: Több impulzus szélességgel végigméri a hálózatot és ikonokkal, térképszerűen megjeleníti az eseményeket
Beépített lézer fényforrás, optikai teljesítménymérő, optikai csillapításmérő és látható fényű hibahely kereső.
Opcionális RJ45 LAN kábel tesztelő funkció: RJ45 kábel hossz, RJ45 kábel sorrend, RJ45 kábel teszter funkciók
Hibahely meghatározás, optikai szál hosszának és csillapításának meghatározása, csatlakozó/kötés/osztás/hajlítás/szálvég vizsgálat
A 8G memória kártya 200.000 mérési eredmény tárolási kapacitással
Bellcore fájl formátum (.sor)
PC kommunikációs szoftver
USB adat interfész
8 óra folyamatos működés (20 óra készenléti módban)
Por és ütésálló

Product Features:
Comprehensive fiber applications, ideal for LAN/WAN/FTTx certification & trouble-shooting
Dynamic range: SM: 1310/1490 / 1550nm, 1625 / 1650nm to 50dB MM: 850 / 1300nm 21 / 24dB
Fault locating, fiber length/loss measurement, connector/ splice/ splitter/ macro bend/fiber-end detection
Built-in PON Power Meter for Triple-play live measurement (in case of the PONmate versions)
Optional Stabilized Laser Source, SM/MM Power Meter, optical connector inspection microscope and VFL
FTTx in-service testing/ Testing through splitter: (1625/1650nm szűrővel)
Splitter and fiber-end identifiable
Auto/Manual(2-point/5-point)/Averaging/Real-time test
Pass/Fail assessment and ORL (Optical Reflection Test) test function
Small, lightweight and easy to use
Fast system start <5 seconds
1000 measurement result storage capacity
Bellcore file format (.sor)
PC communication software
USB data interface
8 hours continuous operation (20 hours in standby mode)
Dust and impact resistant
MTP-200 Multi-functional test platform

MTP-200 series are the compact multi-functional platform, which are specially designed for FTTx/WAN applications and can meet all test requirements of installers, contractors and service operators during network installation, construction, maintenance and troubleshooting.
Product Features:
Up to 50dB dynamic range
Low dead zone values: EDZ: 0.8m, ADZ: 4.5m
Automatic and manual test and analysis
Suitable for LAN, WAN and FTTx applications
Visible fault locator function
FTTH measurements via live network and optical splitter (with filter at 1625 / 1650nm)
Up to 4 wavelength OTDR Module (MM and SM)
Remote network controller, optical connector tester, stabilized laser light source, optical power meter, and Link Image options
Fault detection, optical fiber length / attenuation / reflection measurements, connector / splice / optical splitter / macro bend / fiber end detection
GR-196-CORE (.SOR) and JPEG file formats
Flexible file names
Easy to use (touch screen and rotary button)
Advanced Energy Management (10 hours continuous operation)
Large LCD Touch Screen (7 inch 17.78 cm)
Direct printing (compatible with PCL printers)
Lightweight (2.1 Kg), dust and impact resistant design
Optical connector inspector option features:
Focus button for fast focusing
It doesn't endanger your eyes
Good quality video image
Removable connector adapters
MTP communication software features:
Comparison of measurement results
Print individual or multiple results
Bidirectional testing
CSV / ASCII report formats
Stabilized laser source features:
The operating wavelength is the same as the operating wavelengths of the OTDR
High accuracy
Easy to use
Optical power meter option features:
Multiple wavelength calibration
High accuracy
Comfortable handling
OTDR Launch Cable

Product Features:
G652.D type Corning optical fiber
With SC / APC connector at both ends
Durable, quality design
Can be attached to a belt with a carabiner